Friday, April 27

Friday, April 27, 2012 Laurel Garver
Despite my best intentions, I didn't get quite as much poetry posted as I would have liked this month. I'm crunched between a couple of work deadlines, making progress novel drafting...

Monday, April 23

Monday, April 23, 2012 Laurel Garver
Faith Elizabeth Hough tagged me for the "Lucky Seven" meme, in which I post seven paragraphs from page 77 of one of my manuscripts. I hope you'll pardon the fact this is actually...

Friday, April 20

Friday, April 20, 2012 Laurel Garver
Every writer cobbles personal experiences with cultural influences and imagination. To write is to borrow. Today, as part of my National Poetry Month series, I'd like to look...

Monday, April 16

Monday, April 16, 2012 Laurel Garver
Gerard Manley Hopkins is something of a poster-boy for misunderstood artists and "born out of time" poets. Now considered one of the greats of the Victorian era, none of his best-loved...

Wednesday, April 11

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Laurel Garver
Many think of poetry as being uniformly introspective--about sensations and feelings. But some poetry has a far larger agenda. Activist poetry seeks to give voice to the voiceless,...

Tuesday, April 10

Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Laurel Garver
My weekend took a rather tragic turn. The beautiful stray cat we took in last May to be my daughter's kitty passed away.We learned last summer that Rosie had feline leukemia and...

Friday, April 6

Friday, April 06, 2012 Laurel Garver
Poetry has long been the favored genre for delving into spiritual topics. Poetry comprises a portion of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and...

Wednesday, April 4

Wednesday, April 04, 2012 Laurel Garver
As part of National Poetry Month, I'm continuing my series on the wild, wonderful world of poety. Today I thought I'd talk about a type of formal poetry [adhering to a defined...

Monday, April 2

Monday, April 02, 2012 Laurel Garver
April has arrived and I know many of my pals are blogging ah to zed (ja, Buchstaben are way cooler auf Deutsch). I tip my hat to you all. But as fun as it sounds, I can't commit...