Wednesday, March 23

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 Laurel Garver
Seasonal prompts can be helpful in your routine, to get you paying attention to your immediate environment and the sensory experiences you can collect. It can also get you thinking...

Wednesday, March 16

Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Laurel Garver
Photo credit: melschmitz, Detective Fredricks completes his investigation of the dining room, then he... goes through the French doors to examine the...

Wednesday, March 9

Wednesday, March 09, 2016 Laurel Garver
Today we're tackling a set of fraternal twins of language, the homophones coarse and course. Once again, I'll provide a definition, examples and mnemonic tricks to help you keep...

Wednesday, March 2

Wednesday, March 02, 2016 Laurel Garver
Welcome to my new periodic series I'm calling "Word Smart," an expansion of my "Homophone Helps" series. In it, we will look at two words and/or concepts that writers confuse,...