Sunday, January 31

Sunday, January 31, 2010 Laurel Garver
Looking for a change of pace from all the swoony romantic blogfests? This one's for you: the fight scene blogfest takes place tomorrow, Feb. 1! Mireyah at Crimson Ink is our fabulous...

Friday, January 29

Friday, January 29, 2010 Laurel Garver
Thanks to Karen at Novels During Naptime, winner of my "name that allusion" contest, for giving me this lovely new award.Rules: Answer the following questions with single word...

Thursday, January 28

Thursday, January 28, 2010 Laurel Garver
What’s the deal with adults in books for teens? Seriously? Is there some rule I don’t know about that says the grownups need to disappear or your teen readers will? If there is,...

Wednesday, January 27

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Laurel Garver
In Monday's post, I mentioned that I'd spent the week working through crits with delta readers. Yeah, I probably did coin the term. I've begun to wonder if I'm something of a...

Saturday, January 23

Saturday, January 23, 2010 Laurel Garver
"Our strength grows out of our weaknesses" --Ralph Waldo EmersonDuring unplug week, I at last got back into digging deep into the revision process, armed with a new set of crits...

Sunday, January 17

Sunday, January 17, 2010 Laurel Garver
A number of us writer bloggers are participating in "unplug week" and taking a break from some of our social networking activities. For me, it has arrived at a perfect time. My...

Friday, January 15

Friday, January 15, 2010 Laurel Garver
I think I've got this work deadline licked, and I'm slowly emerging from a scholarly mumbo-jumbo haze. Wow, has it ever colored my most recent blog posts. You're all probably...

Thursday, January 14

Thursday, January 14, 2010 Laurel Garver
PerspectiveIn art, perspective drawing is a set of techniques that make a flat surface appear to be three dimensional. Everything in the drawing is anchored to a vanishing point...

Tuesday, January 12

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Laurel Garver
As I've indicated before, I'm not prone to write autobiographical work, and not because my life has been boring. Far from it. Rather, I see certain difficulties in working directly...

Thursday, January 7

Thursday, January 07, 2010 Laurel Garver
The writer's meme has been circulating in the blogosphere for months now, so I knew it was only a matter of time till someone said "tag, you're IT!" That someone was Heather of...

Wednesday, January 6

Wednesday, January 06, 2010 Laurel Garver
I had lofty plans to blog about epiphanies for Epiphany, but I am just too brain-dead today. Preparing a piece for Nathan Bransford's YA diary contest entry about killed me. I...

Monday, January 4

Monday, January 04, 2010 Laurel Garver
In the season of giving, I've been hoarding. Or shall I put a more positive spin on it and say I've been saving up for a bleak time, when everyone could use a spoonful of sugar?My...

Friday, January 1

Friday, January 01, 2010 Laurel Garver
Tomorrow is the No Kissing Blogfest, hosted by Frankie of Frankie Writes. Swing on by her blog to sign up and to see the full list of participants. I'm pretty excited to be joining...