Friday, April 30

Friday, April 30, 2010 Laurel Garver
I've seen a number of posts recently on the topic of character naming. I happen to love researching and choosing names and have built up a little library of name books, including...

Wednesday, April 28

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Laurel Garver
Copy-editing for my job has been eye opening this week. Dense and difficult ideas are par for the course in the lit-crit essays that cross my desk, but my current headache is...

Monday, April 26

Monday, April 26, 2010 Laurel Garver
Years ago I picked up a gem at a used bookstore, Georgia Heard's Writing Toward Home. The title spoke to my identity crisis of the moment: My parents had retired to Florida, overwhelming...

Thursday, April 22

Thursday, April 22, 2010 Laurel Garver
I've been hesitant to blog about this topic, because it's one of those things I hide in my writing, there to be found by those who look for it, but I hope not so jarring that...

Tuesday, April 20

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Laurel Garver
"A penny saved is a penny earned," says Ben Franklin (or St. Ben as he's usually perceived here in Philly). It's a maxim that our "buy now, pay later" culture would do well to...

Saturday, April 17

Saturday, April 17, 2010 Laurel Garver
Welcome to the final day of my Eleventy-one awards program, celebrating my 111 followers (plus quite a few more) and their wonderful writing. Day by day, you've had a chance to...

Friday, April 16

Friday, April 16, 2010 Laurel Garver
Welcome to day three of my Eleventy-one awards program, celebrating my 111 followers (plus quite a few more!) and their wonderful writing. Day by day, you'll have a chance to...

Thursday, April 15

Thursday, April 15, 2010 Laurel Garver
Welcome to day two of my Eleventy-one awards program, celebrating my 111 followers and their wonderful writing. Day by day, you'll have a chance to see different approaches to...

Wednesday, April 14

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Laurel Garver
The happy day has arrived to begin announcing the winners of my Eleventy-one Celebration Writing Contest, in honor of making 111 blogging friends.Contest entrants submitted a...

Monday, April 12

Monday, April 12, 2010 Laurel Garver
So I'm back, bearing gifts (don't worry, I'm not Greek) after an unplugged week that was medium-productive. I'm all set to announce contest winners beginning Wednesday, and I...

Monday, April 5

Monday, April 05, 2010 Laurel Garver
Thanks to everyone who submitted a story or excerpt to my Eleventy-one Celebration Writing Contest. You should receive a confirmation e-mail from me by 10 a.m. today at the latest....

Saturday, April 3

Saturday, April 03, 2010 Laurel Garver
The deadline is fast approaching (tomorrow!) to submit your entry to my Eleventy-one Celebration Writing Contest in honor of making 111 blog friends. (For my new readers, the...

Friday, April 2

Friday, April 02, 2010 Laurel Garver
Thanks to Kelly of Kelly's Compositions for hosting today's First Page Blogfest! Stop by her blog to find all the other blogfest participants and links to their offerings.Here's...

Thursday, April 1

Thursday, April 01, 2010 Laurel Garver
I use the term "negotiation" the way Sandra Scofield does in The Scene Book. She describes it as "an exchange of character desires and denials and relenting, until some sort...