Friday, December 31

Friday, December 31, 2010 Laurel Garver
As 2010 draws to a close, so does my countdown of top blogposts of the year. The post below original appeared in April. I was pleasantly surprised that Mr. Maass himself stopped...

Thursday, December 30

Thursday, December 30, 2010 Laurel Garver
The new year will soon be upon us, so I'm doing a little year-end retrospective on my top blogposts of 2010. Today's post appeared in September and was composed for Elena's blog...

Tuesday, December 28

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Laurel Garver
Welcome back to the final week of my countdown of top blog posts of 2010. This one appeared in January and generated some great discussion. I'd love for my new readers to chime...

Friday, December 24

Friday, December 24, 2010 Laurel Garver
It's Christmas Eve, so my countdown of top 2010 blogposts brings you a gift--some romance. This was originally posted on Valentine's day for the "Love at First Sight" blogfest...

Thursday, December 23

Thursday, December 23, 2010 Laurel Garver
On we go with my countdown of the most popular posts of 2010 here at Laurel's Leaves. Today's repost originally appeared in April, National Poetry Month.= = = = = =I've been hesitant...

Tuesday, December 21

Tuesday, December 21, 2010 Laurel Garver
Welcome to my countdown of my most popular posts of 2010. The entry reposted below originally appeared in March.= = = = =We hear again and again that without conflict, you have...

Friday, December 17

Friday, December 17, 2010 Laurel Garver
I have just seven more scheduled posts till year's end, so I thought it would be fun (and frankly more sane for me) to repost my seven most popular blogposts of 2010, minus the...

Thursday, December 16

Thursday, December 16, 2010 Laurel Garver
My Tuesday post, "No Mary Sues: operating at maximum capacity," was intended to get you all thinking about ways to keep your characters perpetually striving towards goals, or...

Tuesday, December 14

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Laurel Garver
In How to Write a D@mn Good Novel, James N. Frey says many plots lack integrity because the author doesn't have her characters acting at their maximum capacity.What does he mean...

Friday, December 10

Friday, December 10, 2010 Laurel Garver
My hubby and I have been geeking out big time on the latest season of Dr. Who, which at last became available on Netflix in November.How badly are we geeking out? Check out the...

Thursday, December 9

Thursday, December 09, 2010 Laurel Garver
Dear Editor-on-Call,My critique group always argues about how you should write time. 5 o'clock or 5:00 pm? And do you have to write out numbers, as in five thousand, or can you...

Tuesday, December 7

Tuesday, December 07, 2010 Laurel Garver
One of my CPs is a big advocate of experimentation to get through blocks when you're drafting. She says to keep trying things until something works. On its face, this idea sounded...

Friday, December 3

Friday, December 03, 2010 Laurel Garver
So many of my lovely blog pals keep a nice, consistent schedule. I haven't yet found one that works 100% for me, but I'm leaning towards T, Th, F. My Tuesday, Thursday posts would...

Thursday, December 2

Thursday, December 02, 2010 Laurel Garver
When you hit a place where you just can't move your story forward, it's frustrating in the extreme. It's not like you have nothing to say, but rather that the next plot action...