Thursday, June 30

Thursday, June 30, 2011 Laurel Garver
by Laurel Garver, RavenclawHOGSMEDE, INVERNESS--Think you know your professors here at Hogwarts? You just might be surprised what they get up to in their off-duty hours.According...

Tuesday, June 28

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 Laurel Garver
Today's post isn't about smooth talkers in fiction (though they're always fun to read and to write), it's about a creativity tool I rediscovered: magnetic poetry.I recall magnetic...

Thursday, June 23

Thursday, June 23, 2011 Laurel Garver
by Renaliss Divine, GryffindorIt’s no secret that things have been a tad willy-nilly throughout Hogwarts castle of late. Students are painfully aware of the headmaster’s absence....

Tuesday, June 21

Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Laurel Garver
Dear Editor-on-call,Why doesn't MS Word like the word "then" after a comma?For example: I juggled a fish and fire batons, then fell off the tightrope.Sincerely,Then Peckeda.k.a....

Thursday, June 16

Thursday, June 16, 2011 Laurel Garver
By Runcel P. Yomeh, Hogwarts alumHOGSMEDE, INVERNESS--The merpeople in Hogwarts lake have always been a point of extreme curiosity to the wizarding world. They are a notoriously...

Tuesday, June 14

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 Laurel Garver
Dear Editor-on-call,How do we figure out where the line is between a stylized voice/dialect vs. proper grammar? I know this is a hugely "case-by-case" basis, but I often find...

Thursday, June 9

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Laurel Garver
by Belicia Babble, RavenclawIt’s not just potions brewing at Hogwarts this year! Find out all the juicy details about your friends, classmates, and professors in my gossip column....

Wednesday, June 8

Wednesday, June 08, 2011 Laurel Garver
Oh, happy day! I am pleased to announce the winners of my Triplicity celebration and contest.I'll begin with the skills portion of the contest. This was a fun one to judge, though...

Tuesday, June 7

Tuesday, June 07, 2011 Laurel Garver
Dear Editor-on-Call:Any advice on staying in one tense while writing? I struggle with slipping between present and past tenses (first person). Is this issue something that improves...

Thursday, June 2

Thursday, June 02, 2011 Laurel Garver
My name may be Abby Gabby, but there's no need to use the stupify spell to keep me from gabbing! My lips are zipped, so ask this Ravenclaw gal for advice and I’ll give you an...