Wednesday, March 30

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Laurel Garver
Thanks to Michael DiGesu at In Time... for hosting today's Harry Potter blogfest.The concept? Select two Hogwarts students you'd choose to be your best friends and describe what...

Monday, March 28

Monday, March 28, 2011 Laurel Garver
This week, I'll be straying from my usual Tuesday, Thursday, Friday routine to participate in some blogfests.Would you like to join me? Here are the details (and my schedule):Wednesday,...

Friday, March 25

Friday, March 25, 2011 Laurel Garver
I think we're all aware of our dark-side tendency to envy. The comparison game can be insidious and soul-killing. One of the most helpful pieces of advice on that front came from...

Thursday, March 24

Thursday, March 24, 2011 Laurel Garver
You've heard it over and over--readers, agents and editors love "page turners." So you work hard creating characters that readers will invest in and worry about, engage them in...

Tuesday, March 22

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Laurel Garver
Many approach revision as if it were the literary equivalent of housecleaning. You sweep away redundancies, throw out excess adverbs and dialogue tags, donate some unneeded subplots...

Friday, March 18

Friday, March 18, 2011 Laurel Garver
If you could hitchhike with a Time Lord aboard the TARDIS, where and when would you choose to go? Would you decide, like Rose Tyler (companion to Doctors #9 and 10), to go back...

Thursday, March 17

Thursday, March 17, 2011 Laurel Garver
Just for fun, I thought I'd post an entry from one of my high school journals describing my experiences marching in the St. Patrick's day parade in Dublin, Ireland. I haven't...

Tuesday, March 15

Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Laurel Garver
It's tax season and this year I had the distinctly frightening experience of doing a Schedule C for my husband. See, he got paid for writing a chapter in a book published in 2010...

Friday, March 11

Friday, March 11, 2011 Laurel Garver
Fellow poet/fiction writer Alberta Ross was so kind as to pass along the Stylish Blogger Award to me. Thanks, Alberta!The rules of this one are to share seven things about myself...

Thursday, March 10

Thursday, March 10, 2011 Laurel Garver
Why do stories that turn on a simple epiphany bother us so much when we encounter them in fiction? Probably because they feel so fictional. In real life, insights are a lot easier...

Tuesday, March 8

Tuesday, March 08, 2011 Laurel Garver
Twice a year, my spiritual tradition gives me the opportunity to live inside a story arc in anticipation of our major holidays: the Advent/Christmas season and the Lent/Easter...

Friday, March 4

Friday, March 04, 2011 Laurel Garver
The fine folks at The Literary Lab have released a new anthology this week, entitled Notes from Underground, including work by one of my CPs, Simon Larter, and blog followers...

Thursday, March 3

Thursday, March 03, 2011 Laurel Garver
I've been on a short story jag lately: writing, revising and most of all, market research. I'd mentioned a few weeks ago that short stories can be a great way to make use of excised...